5 Things to Look for When Buying LED signs for Your Business

In recent years, Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) have become the most widely used device for illuminated signage in business enterprises. The world has witnessed a tectonic shift from neon and fluorescent lights to extensive application of LEDs. Not only do they offer a modern sophisticated outlook, but also remain bearers of several benefits which help in smooth running of business.

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Here are five major benefits of LED signs:

1. Long life
Good quality LEDs on average enjoy a lifetime of 50,000 to 100,000 hours, which roughly accounts to 4 to 6 years more than normal neon and fluorescent lights. This directly gets reflected in eventual balance sheet.

2. Brightness
LED lights to stand out against their competitors due to their intrinsic higher brightness which make them visible from greater distances both in bright sunshine as well as at night. This is primarily due to the presence of a monitoring mechanism which impedes leakage of gas from the device thereby directly ensuring superior brightness. This helps greatly in reaching out to clients and customers at any time of the day.

3. Environment Friendly
At an age when degradation of environment has become the most widely contemplated topic and efforts are being made to ensure sustainable development in our society, LEDs offer massive solution by not ejecting toxic gases and also by being recyclable. One of the major advantages of LED is its low power consumption which not only save your bills but impacts the environment profoundly. A normal LED sign consumes around 10 watts of power, which is roughly 20% compared to the expenditure of other contemporary devices.

4. Wide range of options
LED signs are fully equipped with wide array of applications in designs and fonts. You can create a whole range of flashes, color changes, animations, etc. This extensively aids in different promotional strategies which helps to grab public attention and thereby directly influence business transactions.

5. Low Maintenance
Owing to their less complicated design which houses fewer elements, one can ensure effective cost cutting in maintenance. They are well equipped to handle vagaries of nature as thus work with high efficiencies equally under adverse weather conditions. Water proof LEDs are also in vogue in different humid regions during prolonged rainy seasons.

So get your LED signs as soon as possible and create different exciting promotional avenues, thereby propelling your business into a more successful trajectory.


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