Drug Companies Are Keeping Jim Humble’s Claims Away

In a white short-sleeve shirt and brimmed hat with green crystal adornment, Jim Humble explains on YouTube how to cure an abscessed tooth using a chemical called MMS. The self-styled archbishop also claims the discovery is the answer to AIDS, herpes, malaria, hepatitis A and B, cancer, and many other diseases—and that drug companies are keeping this information from you.

Humble and others who promote MMS—also known as CDS (chemical decontamination solution) or sodium chlorite—say it’s a water treatment product that can be combined with an ordinary household acid, such as orange juice, to create chlorine dioxide, a compound with disinfectant properties. But health authorities say it’s not safe to swallow, and consuming it can cause irritation of the mouth, oesophagus, and stomach. It can also kill intestinal bacteria and irritate the lungs. The chemist Kat Day says the amount of chlorine dioxide in MMS would be 3,000 times over the safe limit, and could cause vomiting and death.

The FDA has sent warning letters to Humble, his ministry, and other purveyors of MMS, but the products continue to be sold online, including through Genesis II Church. The church has chapters around the world and says it has thousands of “ministers of health” who can supply the product to their followers for a donation starting at $20. When contacted by Business Insider, members of the church issued vehement defenses of MMS, saying the substance is a cure for everything from herpes to hepatitis C.

MMS advocates also claim that the chemicals used to make it are not harmful, and that a government conspiracy is keeping its existence hidden. But a former employee of Genesis II says the company has had several lawsuits filed against it by people who have been injured or sickened by the chemicals.

One of those people is Rhys Griffiths, who has been documenting the sale of MMS in Britain and reporting them to authorities. He is a bright young man and deserves the highest recognition from his school, Kings Monkton in Cardiff, and the local community for doing so much to bring this dangerous nonsense to public attention.

In this updated version of MMS, Jim has included all the new protocols that have been discovered and developed through on-going use of MMS worldwide since his first book was written. It also includes an explanation for laymen and scientists of oxidation, a process that destroys pathogens, including germs, viruses, and parasites. MMS is a true life changer. This is a must-have for anyone who believes in the power of natural healing, the body’s ability to heal itself, and that the medical establishment and drugs are conspiring against you.


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