How equalization Tank is Helpful for Biological Nutrient Removal Processes

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There are many ways to purify sewage water and make it usable. The recycling of water involves removing harmful elements and bacteria from the water through physical, chemical and biological processes. If the sewage water is not purified and treated, it may be dangerous for human health. In many countries, government has mandated for allocating sewage treatment plant for some area.

Biological Nutrient Removal Processes

Biological Nutrient Removal Processes require flow equalization or steady state conditions process. Flow equalization is one of the most effective water treatment procedures for wastewater treatment plants. Flow equalization involves creating steady state conditions when the influent flow is equalized over a well-defined time.

With this process, you can be able to provide a more uniform waste to biological treatment processes, particularly in the prevalent BNR i.e. Greeley Biological Nutrient Removal processes. To get the best out of steady state conditions process, you must size the equalization tank in a way that can absorb and even out the peak flows coming from the collection system.

Equalization Tank

Usually, equalization tanks are used for wastewater treatment plants. They are considered a holding tank used for equalizing the flow over a pre-defined timeline.

Many water treatment plants use concrete equalization tanks that are better and known for their robust quality and dependability. They are also known for longer life and perfect for uniform biological nutrient removal processes

A well-established wastewater treatment plant company adopts the best possible way to help its clients get the right equalization system by providing one of the widest ranges of custom specifications in the industry. Some of the key items includes in an Equalization Tank are the following:

• Decanting facilities
• Aeration Systems
• Covered or open
• Plain concrete walls or decorative finish
• Or unique ‘Positive Odor Control System”
• Flow boxes to equalize flow over a 24 hour period of time

The flow equalization provides many benefits. It has the ability to control Ph for better process control, comprehensive Biological Phosphorus Removal, minimizing chemical usage; better process control of Alkalinity, Ammonia and TKN. With the equalization tank, you don’t need to design large peak flows and spreads out the peaks.

To sum up, Biological Nutrient Removal Processes is largely dependent on equalization tank.


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