IETM Vs IETP: A Quick Overview

The majority of people get confused between IETM and IETP and look for the differences. Here is a quick guide that helps you understand the major differences between IETM and IETP. Scroll down and read on:


S1000D explains this act as a set of info sets needed for the asset such as description, operation and maintenance. In general, this information is arranged as well as formatted for interactive screen presentation that is presented to the user on an electronic display system that is S1000D IETP.


It is a technical document or manual that can be displayed in a digital format. This information included is the maintenance, operation, training, and so on. The information can be designed to display on an electronic display system for the end-user.

In addition to this, an IETM has the following features and specifications.

  1. Format and style are optimized for screen presentation in order to make sure maximum understanding. It means that the content is frame-oriented as well as not page-oriented.
  2. Personal computers or laptops function interactively in order to offer procedural guidance, navigation directions as well as supplemental details.
  3. Presentation of content can be collected from text, graphic, audio or video. It is important to know that people talk about providing an S1000D IETM, but S1000D deliveries are IETP’s, not IETM’s.

Difference between Classes I to V of an IETM

Class I: It follows the structure as well as the format of a printed book like indexes and tables of content.
Class II: It provides all the elements of Class I, but include additional hyperlinks to items, including figures and tables.
Class III: It is different from a PDF. It is like comparing a PDF and a website. The traditional book structure can be discarded.
Class IV: It expects the data to be stored in a database. Relationships are presented as hyperlinks. Any redundancy can be eliminated. It does not have any concept to page-oriented.
Class V: It is now integrated with expert systems that might influence the display of content.


An S1000D IETP has the capability to describe in the Functionality Matrix of the S1000D Specification. It showcases the level of complexity and advises users that the higher the level of complexity that is in the IETP viewer. If the viewing tool is complex, the cost of buying the software will be increased.


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