What Are The Benefits That Document Digitization Provide To your Business?

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Document scanning or imaging is the process of capturing and storing the digital image of paper documents and turning it into searchable electronic data. Converting a physical document into digital format can be done as an image. And it can also include the use of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software which intelligently recognizes the digital image & turns it into a text document with searchable keywords.

Shifting from an outdated paper-based system & creating a new streamlined system with document digitization services will provide these four significant benefits to your business.

Easier and more reliable document handling

Large volumes of paper records can be challenging to handle. From locating & identifying the right files, to photocopying, categorizing and filing documents, to moving heavy storage boxes that are full of files, it is a tedious and time-consuming task for anyone. However, with the help of document digitization, the job can be done in a fraction of time and with fewer margins for error, loss, or damage.

Freeing up of physical storage space

Converting all the physical files and documents into digital files frees up a substantial amount of physical storage space. You won’t need walls of filing cabinets or storage rooms anymore– this space can now be used for other operational purposes. However, you might be legally obliged to meet compliance regulations by keeping certain paper copies; but these can now be stored off-site, while digital back-up adds another layer of security.

Easy to share and distribute information

Paper distribution is a tiring and lengthy process which can be streamlined easily with the help of document scanning & imaging. Instead of sending paper files from one department to another, multiple staff members can access the same document electronically, by enabling access to them. Distribution of electronic documents can happen in a variety of ways, ranging from sending burnt CDs to emailing or disseminating the contents over the intranet, or by simply accessing the information on a shared drive.

Improved document security

Whether you are protecting your business from break-ins, accidents, or natural disasters, it is essential to keep your business records safe. In the old days, security meant keeping duplicate paper records at an off-site location that was often protected with sophisticated security protocols. While this requirement may still exist, digital files & back-ups can easily be stored remotely on the highly secure servers, or as CDs, to add an extra layer of security.


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