What Does Kosher Mean?

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Nowadays, kosher catering is very famous in Chicago. But before you look for the best Chicago kosher catering, you must understand what does kosher means.

If you are like many other Americans, you must have wondered about the kosher food. You must have seen labels on the packaged foods around the grocery store, but am sure you are not aware of what a kosher certification entails.

What does kosher mean?

Kosher is a Hebrew word which means “fit” or “proper.” It is used to describe food and drink complying with Jewish religious dietary law. Jews believe that God commanded them to keep kosher, so they’re connecting with God by fulfilling his command. Also, they believe that God commanded them because it will benefit both their bodies and souls to eat in such a pure way. Eating non-kosher foods diminishes their spiritual sensitivity and absorbs the concept of commandments.

For a food to be considered as kosher, the production must meet the kosher requirement which is approved by the kosher auditor. There is a specific definition for every food to be considered as kosher. The definition for each food group is:

Meat and Poultry

Not every bird or animal is considered kosher. Animals which are considered kosher are goats, cows, and sheep, but pigs- often processed meat. Camel, horse, and rabbit are not considered kosher. For poultry, it includes chicken, turkey, duck, and goose under kosher foods.


It includes dairy products coming from kosher animals only. In the United States milk is guaranteed to be from kosher animals by the law. Some of the Jewish authorities allow milk products to be considered as kosher without full-time supervision. When milk production is fully supervised, it is called Cholov Yisroel or Jewish Milk. For other dairy products to be considered as Cholov Yisroel, a Jewish supervisor must be present throughout the process.


Eggs must be from kosher birds only. And for them to be considered as purely kosher, they shouldn’t have any blood spot, because it is considered unclean.


Fish must have fins and scales to be considered as kosher, and fins & scales must be removed without tearing the fish’s skin. Shellfish is considered as a fish which you should never eat. Some common kosher fishes are- tuna, salmon, halibut, sole, codfish, plaice, and herrings.

Hence, keep these guidelines in mind before you book the best Chicago kosher catering.


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