Benefits of Interactive Technical Documentation

Interactive Technical Documentation is a unique concept of providing enhanced communication with the parties connected in developing, maintaining, using, and propagating the products of the company. IETM is a unique approach enables the personnel to utilize the available CAD data and apply simulation as well as visualization tools in order to create an audio and video environmental to understand about the assembly, disassembly, maintenance, as well as services of the products. With its visual ability, it is available for the people sitting in varied geographical locations and in different time zones. It makes product knowledge management is computer-based training manuals.

Computer-based training, commonly known as CBT, is a self-paced online instructions format. It helps in guiding trainees through the procedure of operating machine or system and making them effective in performing the procedure. It is handy for complex product structures in which traditional videography or photography is not practical. This approach of communication is fast catching up the pace in the different industrial sectors with marketing teams with the help of communicating the product concept and operations to their potential buyers. In general, HR uses it to train the people working on the shop floor about the effective ways and means to handle the product and support as well as service people use it to train the employees with the recommended maintenance and services tips.

It is reliable for one to many users at a time, but it can be used for training a large group of people in a short time frame. It is a novel concept and has been received in the United States and European Market.

Present Market Scenario

In today’s market, product manufacturers are facing a challenge to disseminate their product know-how to their customers, employees, and partners spread throughout the world. With fast-changing products, this challenge is quite difficult and critical to achieving.

The way that several organizations work in the recent era is that they spent much time and money in order to improve their products via 3D CAD tools as well as systems. Once their product is complete, they can move into a product documentation process before they launch their product to the market. They are using illustration programs or any number of tools in order to create some type of image or digital photograph.


Training people on the right methods of installation as well as maintenance of any tool are serious areas, and a standard PowerPoint method to train the people has its own restrictions. The picture, as well as script-based communication, might not come in the level of clarity which is essential to efficiently operate the equipment. The traditional training conducted in the closed or online training areas may get quite repetitive and fail to gain the attention of the personnel for the longer durations. The prices of such training when it comes to hiring the trainer and time utilized are also meaningfully high.

Computer-Based training manuals could be a suitable solution to these issues. The three-dimensional viewpoint of machine/system can help employees to visualize while they are learning how to operate it. The animation flash and audio-visual technique help in avoiding miscommunication and breaking the monotony of the training lectures. In addition, it also gains the attention of the employees for a longer period of time. They can refer to it as, and whenever required, it offers visualization of the overall product operation, thereby clearing uncertainty and does not need the company to hire a special trainer.

MDDV is the leading source to get IERM and IETP software that provides the best support for S1000D, including S1000D, creation, S1000D conversion, and S1000D sustainment. Get in touch with them to get the software for the military and aerospace.


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