Why You Should Use Bail Bond Agents to Get Out of Jail
After you’ve been arrested, one of the first court appearances that you might have is your bail hearing. However, this hearing only takes place if you haven’t made bail yourself within 24 hours of your arrest; as per the assigned bail schedule which jail follows in the booking. In this hearing, the presiding judge further reviews your bail amount to see if any modifications can be made as per their discretion. Your bail varies based on the number of factors, including the severity of your crime.
Basically, the bail is the amount of money that you need to pay to get out of the jail to ensure the court that you’ll appear for all the required court appearances until your case is resolved. However, you can post your own bail using your assets, but in most of the cases, it is wise to use the services of professional services providing bail bonds Hempstead NYC. Read on to learn about the...