Tips For Buying a Baseball Backstop Net
When purchasing a baseball backstop net, there are several factors you should look for. High-quality nylon netting, durable material, S-shape hooks, and Made-to-order are all important. Here are some tips if you don’t have much experience putting up a baseball backstop. Also, make sure you purchase the size you need for your baseball field. Finally, make sure it is made for outdoor use.
High-Quality Nylon Netting
If you want to purchase a batting cage net for your ballpark, consider a quality nylon netting. There are a few things to look for in nylon netting. First, be sure to look for one that is UV-stabilized. UV stabilization is essential to netting durability. Then, check to see what gauge it is. High-quality nylon baseball backstop netting is typically 1.8mm thick, or 18 gauge. This material is the only one that can withstand the sun for six to seven years in actual use.