Linda Hudson

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Recruitment Process: What are the Key Steps Taken by a Recruitment Agency

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The primary role of a consultant company is to find and attract potential resources for filling up the vacant positions in your organization. A recruitment agency sources candidates with the right attitude and abilities required to achieve your business goals. They first identify the job vacancy, analyze job requirements, review applications, screen, and then shortlist and select the right candidates for you. While a good consultant may act as an educator, resource, or facilitator, the leadership of the process remains within your organization.

Recruitment Process
To create a robust resource base, a consultancy firm focuses on framing their recruitment process, which undergoes a systematic procedure, including:

• Sourcing the resources
• Arranging and conducting interviews
• Selecting the right candidates

Recruitment Planning
Planning is another step in the recruitment process. When...

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A Quick Read on the Highlights of Mitsubishi Outlander Sport 2018

The Mitsubishi Outlander Sport has always been a preferred SUV among those who want ample boot space and extended warranty. This year, Mitsubishi went a step ahead to make their car feature-rich and installed a touchscreen that comes as a standard in all the variants. The Outlander Sport 2018 comes with Apple CarPlay, Android Auto and advanced safety features. If you are new to this superb SUV, let’s give you a glimpse of what it has got.

Performance and Handling

Outlander Sport is a real SUV that comes with an affordable price tag. The SUV has an impressive pick up, thanks to the 2.4-liter four-cylinder engine and CVT that sends 168hp to front wheels. The peak output delivered by Outlander Sport is 6000 rpm. The steering is easy to handle, which makes maneuvering the Outlander fun for the driver.


It seems design was the last priority of Mitsubishi while creating the...

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Everything You Need to Know About Managed Dedicated Server

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Wondering what Managed Hosting is?

Let explain.

It is a kind of service where you happen to get a Fully Managed Dedicated Server. Experts can take care of all the day to day management aspects of the hardware within your organization and support including monitoring while you can focus on growing your business!

Managed Dedicated Server Provider
A fully managed dedicated server provider can provide you with complete IT solution for your business. Their team can assist you in handling every single aspect of the server setup, monitoring, and maintenance, as per your requirements. Thus, they can relieve you of the need to deploy resources towards this task.

Scope of Services
Score of services of renowned managed dedicated server providers include Server SetupFirewall Configuration, cPanel Installation, CMS Optimization, Full Web Server Support, 3rd Party App Support (limited), Data...

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Important FAQs about Auto Loans that you Need to Know

Opting for a car loan needs a lot of research as there are a lot of important points that you need to consider. Whether you are looking for a car lender in Baton Rouge or any other area, finding the right lender is a tough task. There are a lot of questions that come to your mind when you look for a lender. To make your work a little easy, we list some important FAQs that will help you make the right decision.

What are the main Factors of an Auto Loan?
When calculating the amount of Car Loan Baton Rouge you need, many variables that are considered. Some of the important elements of an auto loan include:

· Cost of the car you plan to buy
· The condition of the car (new vs. used)
· Interest rate that you can afford
· Credit score and credit report
· The amount of down payment you plan to make

How can you find the best rate on the auto loan?

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4 Easy Tips You can Ease Your Back Pain

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Nearly, every adult suffers from some type of back pain at some point of time in their lives. The pain can be a constant dull ache, to abrupt, sharp soreness. One develops back pain due to wrong posture, sprain or another accidental injury. Arthritis and other diseases such as abnormal narrowing of the spinal canal may occur in any part of the spine and may also cause pain. No matter what causes it and when it happens, back pain is real and excruciating.

Below are some self-help tips to reduce your back pain.

1. Reduce Bed Rest
Studies have found that people suffering from short-term low back pain who rest have more painful experience and a harder time with daily activities than those who stay active. Patients with short-term pain should say ‘no’ to more than three days of bed rest. Better, they should get moving as quickly as possible.

2. Maintain Weight
Doctors say that...

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How Offender Management Software Streamlines Correctional Business Processes?


Offender Management System, abbreviated as OMS, is a comprehensive, purpose-built software solution for corrections agencies. Designed to streamline the correctional business process, this software tool enables corrections agencies to implement their solutions as per their own strategic priorities. It increases their administrative capabilities that include security, audits, workflows, notifications and application, integration services, user rights and so on.

Here is an insight into the ample features of the offender management software.

Community Supervision

The community supervision helps the department of corrections to track sentences, violations, probation, and parole conditions. Using this module, experts can find out whether or not the offenders have the respect for the conditions that have been imposed upon them.


Assessment is one of the features of advanced...

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What Are The Benefits of Hiring Employment Agencies?

Hiring new employees is undoubtedly an important but time-consuming process. Getting associated with an employment agency can be a quick solution to your employee and hiring process.
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Let us get to know how you can benefit from an employment agency.
Immediate relief
There are times when your employees don’t show up or suddenly quit. An employment agency can provide you temporary help for your relief. You can also hire multiple employees to finish a project before the deadline. Sometimes a business needs additional assistance to help its employees, like a one-time project, special expertise for a job. In such cases, job placement services can provide you employees with required skills which reduce downtime.

Save time
In business, time is more valuable than money and recruitment agency can act as a time saver for you. By taking care of your entire process, it saves your multiple...

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What Does Your Pool Need For Sparkling Water?

The safety and cleanliness of a pool depend on a few essential types of equipment. Fortunately, you don’t need to break a bank, but with just a few essential items, you can ensure sparkling water.
Let us know what they are.

A pump is the lifeline of your pool system. It is essential as it circulates water in your pool and prevents the water from getting stagnate which can easily become breeding ground for algae and bacteria. Without a pump, dirt and grime can get accumulated in your pool making it unhygienic to swim in. A typical pool pump consists of a motor system which spins an impeller inside the pump. The impeller drives the water through the filter.

Pool filters
Pool filter is crucial to your swimming pool, especially when you want to keep it always sparkling and to invite. The filter runs on a mechanical system which removes debris from the pool. It is important for...

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4 Proven Treatments for Neck and Shoulder Pain

Even a minor pain in the head, neck or shoulder can break your everyday routine because it is never minor. Neck and shoulder pain are perhaps the most painful annoyance which affects millions of people every year. Constant use of gadgets, sitting in the wrong posture, wrong movements during workouts can be a few reasons among many for head, neck and shoulder pain. Whatever is the reason, a person suffering from pain needs immediate relief?
To help them out, we have collected some proven treatments for neck and shoulder pain.

Staying hydrated
If you are suffering from severe neck pain, it might be due to the disc in your spine gets displaced. Your disc between the vertebrae in the spine needs water to maintain disc height and spinal alignment. Over time, this water percentage reduces with our age. Not maintaining daily hydration may degenerate cervical disc which can give rise to neck...

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Is a Fiber Optic Hoodie Right Attire to Perform Dance in Your Party?

So, you are planning to perform dance in the party you are hosting next month. That’s excellent. Have you have decided what you will wear on that particular day? Whatever you wear, keep LED light up hoodie in your clothing list. This will add charm to your performance. And, choose one that is made of luminous fiber optic material, which guarantees to make you shine. It’s excellent if you pair it with a pair of fiber optic paints or some other light up clothing and accessories. Believe it or not, you will be the star of the show even if you’re not the headliner!

Choose the Right Color
A mix of red, green, blue and yellow gives you a stunning look. So, pick a sleeveless LED Light Up Hoodie that reacts to UV Light and lit in solid red, blue, green, or white. Make sure all color of lights run through the white fiber optic fabric. An array of colors should light in between with the help of...

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